Students at City College were treated to a free showing of “Spider-Women,” a choreographed dance performance directed by City College alumnus Zaquia Mahler Salinas, and hosted by the World Cultures...
The spring jazz season for City College’s on-campus radio station, KSDS Jazz 88, kicked off on March 3 with the 8th Annual California Music Educators Association Jazz Festival.
This year, it was held...
Three years, 41 months, 165 weeks or 1155 days; it doesn’t matter how you look at it, President Barack Obama has been in office for almost a full term.
Has he done enough with the time he has had?
It’s not often that the American public can look back on a politician’s campaign promises, track their record while in office and find that they have followed up on most, if not all of the promises...
After four years of strict immigration policy, Barack Obama has lost the sympathy of Hispanic voters, and as his reelection approaches, many will withdraw their support of his campaign.
In 2008, his...
Claudia Acevedo walks fast down Park Boulevard, near Balboa Park. Her fragile figure is unmistakable: in one hand she holds a plastic bag where she collects recyclables quickly and on the other hand she...
Kickboxing class promotes fitness and self-defense
City College offers courses that will not only keep you fit year round but also help you develop self-defense skills.
“I will teach you to win...
The women’s badminton team remains undefeated this season in their first four matches, most recently defeating Irvine Valley College, March 9 at Irvine.
This is a good start for the team that had...
City College men’s baseball team experienced a tough home 1-5 loss to the Grossmont Griffins Feb. 29 at Morley Field.
The Knights aimed to come into league play strong against the Griffins to gain...
City College’s men’s basketball team ended their season with a loss at the California Collegiate Athletic Association playoff game in Mission Viejo at Saddleback College on Feb. 24.
The 2011-12...
Despite a few losses, the City College men’s tennis team continues to work towards their goal of making it to the regional playoffs.
“This season is definitely going up and down,” said Coach Brandon...
Without celebrities to write about magazines like “People” would write about nothing.
As a result of this, celebrities end up making even more money than the large sums they are paid in their jobs,...