For information on scholarships, City College students should visit unigo.com. Unigo screenshot
With college enrollment rising with Latinx students, opportunities to earn scholarships are also increasing.
Event: First-Generation College Students: Latinx/Hispanic Scholarship Opportunities, Tuesday, Sept. 29 from 10-11 a.m. on Zoom (https://tinyurl.com/SCHOLARSHIPW20)
To be able to qualify, students need to meet certain requirements.
The first requirement is that you have at least a 2.5 GPA. You also have to provide proof that you are a U.S citizen or a legal permanent resident.
Recipients also need to be enrolled or plan to enroll in college for the next academic year.
There are 523 Hispanic Serving Institutions in the U.S. and they offer many scholarships. HSIs are colleges where undergrads total at least 25% Hispanic.
To find my information about the scholarships, click here.