Students from San Diego City College's Nursing Education Program assist with vaccinations at the Family Health Centers clinic on Gateway Center Drive in Southeastern San Diego. SDCCD photo
President Em Carpenter and Vice President Larissa Johnson of the San Diego City College Nursing Students’ Association discussed challenges faced in the program due to the pandemic.
City nursing partnered with the Family Health Center of San Diego to give out vaccines to aid in the vaccination effort by the state.
“The staff there has been really amazing,” Carpenter said, “and helping us see the big picture when it comes to a vaccination clinic like this.”
They had to alter their clinical rotation, which is their on the job training, to complete their requirements.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better cohort, a better group of friends (and) better faculty,” Johnson said. “They all have been so supportive in making sure we get through this.”
To listen to the City Speaks: City’s nurses aid in the vaccination effort by the state, click here.
COVID-19 vaccinations are open for all ages 16 and over. For more information about vaccination sites, visit the San Diego County website here.