Mental Health Intern Kadee Sylla introduces “Send Silence Packing” to San Diego High School students in Curran Plaza. Sylla volunteers 20 hours a week to help with mental health awareness efforts at City. Photo by Philip Salata/City Times Media
Dozens of backpacks filled Curran Plaza for the “Send Silence Packing” event March 17 at San Diego City College.
The event was organized by the City College chapter of Active Minds, a national organization supporting mental health awareness and education for young adults, according to the flyer for the event.
Stevie Provis is a display coordinator who works with Active Mind’s national organization. Provis said the intention of the more than 300 nationwide events is to raise awareness and provide access to resources.
Karolina Guerra Tena was one of many Active Minds members who helped with the event.
She pointed out mental and physical health services are free for City students, covered by the health fee every student pays.
The first-generation college student at City said joining Active Minds has helped her and the group addresses the stigma of talking about mental health.
“It’s okay to speak up,” she said. “You’re not alone. There’s always support for you.”
More information about the event is available here.
For more information about Active Minds and student health services available at City, click here.
A preview of this story was featured on this week’s edition of Newscene, the award-winning student-produced TV news show. Newscene is broadcast on ITV Channel 16 on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.
The audio version, Newscene Radio, plays at 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. on KSDS 88.3 HD-2.
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City Times Media multimedia journalist Philip Salata contributed to this report.