San Diego City College ASG President Diego Bethea speaks with visiting students at City College’s Open House event on Thursday, April 20, 2023. Photo by Daniel Lasker/City Times Media
The San Diego City College Associated Students Government elections are open.
The final date to vote is Friday, May 5 at 11:59 p.m.
“Students want to have a voice to represent them,” said Lori Oldham, Student Affairs Coordinator and ASG adviser at City College. “The student government is there in place to advocate for students’ needs.”
Students can check their email and Canvas for a personalized link to vote for the ASG elections.
Visit the election website for more information.
Students currently running include:
• Diego Bethea for president
• Reese O’Driscoll for vice president
• Eryn Garcia for secretary
• Miski Abdi for senate president
• Kai Cachupe for webmaster social media officer
• Kalde Hassan for public relations
• Katelyn Metry for scholarship officer
All students on the ballot are running unopposed.
Students are required to enter their 10-digit student ID number with the ballot to guarantee that only one vote is cast. All voting is confidential.
Students who need more assistance with their ballot submission can receive help by calling the District Outreach and Student Affairs Office at (619) 388-6703.