Luke Bradbury
Inspired by ABC’s The Amazing Race, participants in the Constitution Race will compete to see who can gather the 10 amendments that make the Bill of Rights the Fastest, according to Susan Hasegawa. Illustrated by Luke Bradbury/City Times Media
San Diego City College will be hosting its annual Constitution Race this week as a part of Constitution Week, according to a flyer released by Student Affairs.
A collaboration between Student Affairs and the history department, Constitution Week at City College is focused on celebrating and remembering the Constitution of the United States of America.
The race is a scavenger hunt where students look for the first 10 amendments of the U.S. Constitution (the Bill of Rights) hidden across the campus, according to Susan Hasegawa, a history professor at City College spearheading the event.
“I think it’s really important to reexamine … the governing document that everyone goes back to when we talk about how we’re going to live,” Hasegawa said.

Students can compete in groups of 2-3 to see who can complete the hunt the fastest. Winners will receive up to $50 in gift cards.
Aside from good shoes, Hasegawa had a single tip: read the directions carefully.
“You’ll be given a sheet front and back,” Hasegawa said. “That’s all the directions and the riddles.”
To register, teachers should reach out to Hasegawa directly, and students can show up to M-200 on Sept. 18 from 11:15 a.m. to 2 p.m.