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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


‘SWING!’ jumps, jives and wails on Saville stage

Diana Alvisurez April 20, 2009

Bright lights, colorful costumes, pin-up hairdos and flirty dance moves are all present in the spectacular show, SWING! The musical, which features songs from Duke Ellington, The Andrew Sisters and other...

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‘Emilio’ did not start out as a Latino film

Beza Beneberu April 13, 2009

"Emilio" is a coming of age story, about a young man's will and determination, and the lessons he learns about fate. Director and writer Kim Jorgenson along with the star of the movie, Walter Perez, introduced...

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‘Maquilapolis’ a city of factories

Jessica Brandom March 30, 2009

The film "Maquilapolis" (city of factories) chronicles the struggle of a group women in Tijuana who fought for their rights against international companies with factories in Tijuana. "Maquilapolis" was...

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Lit series features prof/author Corona

Michele Suthers March 30, 2009

The San Diego City College International Book Fair '09 Spring Literary Series presented San Diego city College professor and award-winning author Laurel Corona, speaking about her latest work, "The Four...

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Get on your boots, Dublin’s superband is back!

Vanessa Gomez March 16, 2009

Vanessa Gomez City Times This summer, diehard fans of the Irish superband U2 will be happy to know that Bono and the boys will hit the road in support of their newest studio album, "No Line on the Horizon,"...

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Who watches the Watchmen?

Vanessa Gomez March 16, 2009

Vanessa Gomez City Times Moviegoers last summer were in for an added surprise when they came out in hoards to see the late Heath Ledger's performance in "The Dark Knight." After a lame audio-only preview...

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Music Matters for local kids

Donna P. Crilly March 16, 2009

Donna P. Crilly City Times The fifth annual Music Matters program, sponsored by Jazz 88.3 and Coles' Fine Flooring, celebrated a record breaking year on March 11, collecting about 107 instruments. Every...

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Grande dame of jazz

Carlos Maia March 16, 2009

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What to do when sick in bed.

Tom Andrew March 16, 2009

Though many new films have opened in the last few weeks, I found myself bed bound, with what seems to have made the rounds in San Diego over the last few months, with a few DVD's. Neither one has anything...

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Michele Suthers March 16, 2009

The San Diego City College International Book Fair 09 Spring Literary Series, presented San Diego City College Professor and award winning author Laurel Corona speaking about her latest work, "The Four...

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New dramatic arts production ‘SWING!’ opens April

Romel Echon February 24, 2009

San Diego City College's Saville Theatre is producing its rendition of the award-winning Broadway musical, "SWING!". Originally choreographed and directed by the critically acclaimed Lynne Taylor-Corbett,...

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Susheel Bibbs Brings Mary Pleasant to Life

Sonjiala Hotchkiss February 24, 2009

"It was about freedom." So, actress Susheel Bibbs began her chautauqua on the life of Mary Ellen Pleasant, the woman commonly known as the Mother of the California Civil Rights Movement. The performance...

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