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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


Student symposium seeks applicants

Heather Richards April 7, 2008

The Student Project and Research Symposium, an annual event at City College that showcases artwork, scientific posters and oral presentations, is accepting applications until April 11. The symposium is...

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Jazz, art and authors

April 7, 2008

Authors to read at Book Fair event The City College Book Fair continues with authors Susan Straight and Bill Luvaas, who will read from their books on April 15 from 12:45-2:10 in D-121. Straight is the...

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Man threatening San Diego campuses in custody

David McAtee April 7, 2008

Campus Police were on high alert this week in response to a report from the Sacramento Sheriff's Department which stated that a man released Wednesday from jail in Sacramento planned to commit a shooting...

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College district faces massive budget cuts

April 7, 2008

Nailah Edmondson City Times "This is a moving target and we are keeping our eye on it," said Terry Davis, vice chancellor of Business Services. An informative budget development forum took place March...

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Recent increase in shootings ignites debate about causes

Theresa Avila February 26, 2008

Theresa Avila UCLA Daily Bruin LOS ANGELES (U-WIRE) - The shooting Feb. 14 at Northern Illinois University has sparked debate over the various causes of mass violence in today's culture: causes that...

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Illinois students obtained shooting news in variety of ways

Jessica Sabbah February 26, 2008

Jessica Sabbah Northern Illinois University Star DEKALB, Ill. (U-WIRE) - As shots were fired Feb. 14 at Northern Illinois University, students who were on campus found out about the threat firsthand. Kristin...

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Shevaun Brandom February 26, 2008

Compiled by Shevaun Brandom Send items to City Times, 1313 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101, e-mail [email protected], call (619) 388-3880, or fax (619) 388-3814 FEBRUARY * Feb. 27 Emergency "TEST"...

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Rainy day Valentine

February 26, 2008

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Out of reach?

Nailah Edmondson February 26, 2008

Nailah Edmondson City Times Plan on transferring to San Diego State University for spring 2009? Many City College students aren't aware of this, but SDSU received more than 61,000 applications for fall...

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Changing opportunities into success

Heidi Stenquist February 26, 2008

Heidi Stenquist City Times Students in Free Enterprise, SIFE, held its 11th annual Business Opportunity Marketplace in the Gorton Quad Feb. 27 as part of their curriculum; giving those enrolled hands-on...

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Prop 92 Goes Bust Amidst California’s Budget Worries

David McAtee February 26, 2008

David McAtee City Times The dismal fate of Proposition 92 was decided on Feb 5th by voters in California, voted down by 57 percent despite support from many groups in the state. The measure was to recalculate...

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Skin cancer on the rise

Mayumi Kimura February 26, 2008

Mayumi Kimura City Times She knew something was wrong. Over the past year, the pinpoint-sized freckle on the back of her leg had changed. One side of it had become darker and it was sensitive to the...

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