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City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


Learning to serve …

February 26, 2008

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Face-lift begins for City College

Whitney Lawrence, Alissa Wisniewski February 26, 2008

Whitney Lawrence and Alissa Wisniewski City Times The L building has recently been shut down, displacing programs like Trio Aspire, a tutoring center, CalWORKS and City Times. All programs have since...

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The cafeteria and all that jazz

February 26, 2008

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Dark as crystal: Documentary reveals the faces of meth

Shannon Kuhfuss February 26, 2008

Shannon Kuhfuss City Times On December 12, 2007, a powerful documentary titled "Crystal Darkness" aired on KPBS, which contained contributions from City College's Wendy Zizzo, Assistant Professor of...

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Shevaun Brandom February 26, 2008

Compiled by Shevaun Brandom March * March 11 Areito Borincano - Music and Dance 11:10-12:35 Gorton Quad * March 17-22 Spring Break * March 12 Information meeting about Spanish immersion...

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‘Music Matters’ to kids in need

Heather Richards February 26, 2008

Heather Richards City Times Often in public schools the kids without means go without. For a lot of kids in San Diego the opportunities, specifically in the arts, are minimal at best because money is...

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Vox Populi 2

Heidi Stenquist February 26, 2008

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Take Note – Finances, warnings and photographs

February 26, 2008

** Help fill wallet, transcripts Are you low on funds with no time to work? File your FAFSA by March 2 and you may be eligible to receive free financial aid. There is no fee to apply. Not able to file...

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City College students receive extra grant

Whitney Lawrence December 11, 2007

City College students who qualified to receive Pell Grant awards this semester got more than they bargained for when an extra check was made out to them in addition to the two scheduled payouts during...

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District has new boss for facilities

Nailah Edmondson December 11, 2007

Experienced project manager David Umstot took over the facilities management vice chancellor position in the San Diego City College District this summer. As vice chancellor just a few of his duties are...

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San Diego mini-dorm law passes City Council

Kim Swain December 11, 2007

SAN DIEGO (U-WIRE) - San Diego lawmakers added another law to a growing number of ordinances designed to combat the prevalence of mini-dorms, but put off another for further consideration in January. The...

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City Times receives numerous awards

December 11, 2007

City Times swept an entire category in the college journalism division of the San Diego Press Club's annual awards in November. The accomplishment is part of several local and regional awards the student...

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