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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


Black Friday is not a holiday

Phoenix Webb December 9, 2014

Growing up, Thanksgiving was my second best holiday. It was my Mamma's best meal all year and there was extra dessert. Oh yeah. Thanksgiving was a wrap: wake up, eat breakfast, snack until dinner was...

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Editorial: Dignity in both life and death

Torrey Spoerer November 18, 2014

Earlier this year, a 29-year-old California woman named Brittany Maynard was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor and told by doctors that the cancer would most likely end her life in six months. After...

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Stop the massive hype over the seasonal pumpkin spice

Angelica Wallingford November 18, 2014

Every year around fall, there’s an orange-eyed monster that rears its ugly head. It makes girls in Uggs scream with glee as they rush into Starbucks with Instagram ready to go on their iPhones and...

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Banning plastic bags for an efficient future

Abtin Mohammadi November 18, 2014

One of the most recent environmental arguments in California relates to the signing of a statewide plastic bag ban in grocery stores that's drawn many challenges regarding its beneficial impacts and damages...

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Consequence of hazing should be imprisonment

Phoenix Webb November 18, 2014

For centuries, “hazing” has been an existent practice amongst various hierarchical organizations and groups throughout society, including college clubs, defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary...

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Legal euthanasia can cause more suffering

Richard Lomibao November 18, 2014

Imagine someone chronically suffering from a disease that makes him or her feel like dying. If they were given the option, how often would they choose to stay? Say they decide to take their chances and...

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Bag the impractical ban

Aldo Ramírez October 28, 2014

A new legislative bill in California will ban single-use carryout bags. As of July 1, 2015, large grocery chain stores and pharmacies will be prohibited from providing single-use carryout bags to customers,...

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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: to be accepted or declined?

Miguel Cid October 28, 2014

ALS is a disease that affects people almost at random, and the Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in late July has brought much awareness to the disease. But since the challenge has emerged, it has strangely...

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Editorial: California says ‘no thanks’ to plastic bags

Torrey Spoerer October 28, 2014

Ever since its invention in the mid 1960s by Swedish engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin, plastic bags were embraced by American shoppers as convenient, easily disposable one-time carryalls. That’s all about...

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Editorial: Individual freedoms outside the workplace

Paola Garcia October 14, 2014

We live in America, a nation that has taught us to treasure our freedom, take pride in it and to gloat and let the world know that nothing can take that away from us. We know The Bill of Rights probably...

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Employees’ actions reflect on their employers

Kenan Jackson October 14, 2014

With the boom in social media and other types of technologies, employers now have access to employee’s personal information that they could not have had 20 years ago.Many employers make their employees...

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Drawing the line between work and privacy

Richard Lomibao October 14, 2014

Employers are now more concerned with reputation rather than work ability. Getting fired for something that occurs outside of work is an unruly justification and is subjective. Why should someone who performs...

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