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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times



City Times Readers April 7, 2008

Dear Editor: Dear San Diego City College Police Force: The beginning of the Spring 2008 semester was certainly hectic in terms of parking. The lot at C and 16th saw cars parked anywhere and everywhere,...

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Vox Populi

Questions and Photos by Heidi Stenquist

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Michele Suthers April 7, 2008

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VIEWPOINT – Parking Etiquette 101: Pull forward, please

Heidi Stenquist February 26, 2008

Heidi Stenquist City Times Is it me or am I the only one who's frustrated driving to school everyday, dealing with a lack of parking that's made worse by several wasted spaces I could've parked in if...

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VIEWPOINT – Faith in the dark

Emily Pfaff February 26, 2008

Emily Pfaff Contributor Often times we find ourselves "busy," "tired," or just too self absorbed to care; it is in these times that faith can be our saving grace. Faith can save lives, and in America...

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Vox Populi

Heidi Stenquist February 26, 2008

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Shock value dies with victim

HEATHER RICHARDS February 26, 2008

HEATHER RICHARDS City Times A teenage boy in Oxnard, CA received an awful valentine last month; a gunshot to the head. Lawrence King was declared brain-dead on Feb. 14, Valentine's Day. Authorities say...

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Spring cleaning at SDSU leaves some in the dust

KRISTINA LONG February 26, 2008

KRISTINA LONG City Times Take advanced placement classes, graduate with honors and continue your education at a university; that's what parents, teachers, and guidance counselors are constantly screaming...

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February 26, 2008

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Living the shy life in San Diego a Southern belle struggles to holler

Whitney Lawrence December 11, 2007

Picture this: you're driving around in an unfamiliar neigborhood, belting out the top 40, when you look on the opposite side of the street and notice a couple walking their dog. Locking eyes with the couple,...

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NASCAR and Mother Nature – like oil and water

Danny Penera December 11, 2007

For sports fans there is no greater time of year than in the fall. Fall is the time where The World Series takes place, the basketball season starts and football teams beat up on each other. Who wouldn't...

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An open letter to my fellow Americans

Emily Pfaff December 11, 2007

Dear America, Wake up. We're living in a cage, and what few liberties we were granted are being stripped daily. We are spoon fed from birth through electric TV currents, radio waves, and "faith." We're...

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