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City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


SDCCD police in front of the A building

Power returns after outage closes City College campus

The Transfer Center, packed with students trying to make application deadlines, was evacuated.
Brian Mohler, Arts & Entertainment Editor November 30, 2018
An SDG&E power outage darkened City College and a large portion of downtown San Diego, Balboa Park and Golden Hill at approximately 11:15 a.m. on Friday. A cause has not yet been determined.
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Laura Castañeda at Newscene studio

RTVF professor announces retirement from City College

Professor Laura Castañeda will put an end to her nearly two-decade City College career.
Marissa Gonzales, Sports Editor November 27, 2018
Professor Laura Castañeda is the editorial advisor for San Diego City College’s Newscene, a 30-minute weekly newscast produced by students. After this semester, she is leaving City College and the department that she has dedicated her life and career to for nearly two decades.
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Sean Elo

SDCCD board of trustees set, David Alvarez concedes to Sean Elo

Sean Elo will be the representative for District E.
Jonny Rico, Editor-in-Chief November 16, 2018
City Councilman David Alvarez told Voice of San Diego that he conceded to his opponent Sean Elo in the race for San Diego Community College District board of trustees.
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Poll worker pin

FIRST PERSON: My experience as a poll worker

City Times reporter Ian Tapang, a nine-year poll worker veteran, had the opportunity to work as a precinct inspector during the midterm election.
Ian Tapang, Staff Writer November 16, 2018
City Times staff writer Ian Tapang took a break from his role as a student journalist to continue an important role: poll worker for the 2018 midterm election.
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Leak in lot 8

UPDATE: Water leak temporarily shuts off water in R building

This is the third water incident on campus this semester.
David Ahumada, Visuals Editor November 13, 2018
A water leak in a San Diego City College parking lot caused a water shutdown in the R-building on Nov. 13. The R building was still operational except for the restrooms, which were temporarily closed.
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Transfer Center

With deadline approaching, Transfer Center ready to help students

City College students can get help with university applications and career guidance.
Carla Zuniga, Staff Writer November 8, 2018
San Diego City College's Transfer Center is a place where students are not only guided through their community college journey, but also down their career path.
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Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves and Gary Busey

San Diego election results and analysis

The City Times staff is updating this article throughout the evening with the latest election results, live from Golden Hall.
CT Staff November 6, 2018
The City Times staff will update this article throughout the evening with the latest election results, live from Golden Hall.
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Poling place sign

Provisional ballots still an option for unregistered voters

Those who missed the registration deadline may still cast a vote on Nov. 6.
Carla Zuniga, Staff Writer November 6, 2018
There is still a chance to cast a vote on Nov. 6 even if the Oct. 22 registration deadline was missed. A person can still visit their nearest polling place and cast a provisional ballot on Election Day.
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City Times election insert

Need last-minute voter information?

The City Times has resources available to help even the most indecisive voter.
CT Staff November 6, 2018
If you are still on the fence on the important issues, here's a list of recent City Times stories to help you out.
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Lyft screenshot

Free rides, coffee and beer on Election Day

Once the voting process is officially completed, voters can reward themselves at local bars and eateries.
Nadia Mishkin, News Editor November 6, 2018
The voting process itself can be an arduous journey. Once the voting process is officially completed, voters can reward themselves.
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Proposition 7

Proposition 7 allows voters to change daylight saving time

Voters must overturn a nearly 70-year-old proposition to enact a permanent DST.
David Ahumada, Visuals Editor November 5, 2018
The time was adjusted one hour back in the early morning hours of Nov. 4. But Proposition 7 in the upcoming election may lead the way to one day never having to adjust the clocks.
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Proposition 12

Animal confinement regulations once again in the hands of California voters

After approving an animal confinement measure in 2008, voters must weigh in on a more specific animal confinement proposition
Jennifer Souza, Staff Writer November 5, 2018
Proposition 12, an animal welfare proposition that the voters of California will consider on the Nov. 6 midterm elections, can get confusing. The Humane Society is driving the yes campaign and PETA is behind the no campaign.
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The news site of San Diego City College