America: home of the free and land of the brave? Not anymore.
In Southern California, even if one does not leave the U.S., it is inevitable that a driver will pass through a border patrol checkpoint; whereupon, questions will be asked, ethnicity will be judged and the car might even get searched, all in the name of safety and national security, but to what end?
Border patrol is not only racist, but also unconstitutional —- a violation of the Fourth Amendment.When law enforcement searches a car, they must have “just cause.” But when a driver en route in the U.S. passes through a border patrol checkpoint without crossing an international border, he or she will be judged as a “suspect” if the border patrol’s request to unlawfully search the vehicle without just cause is denied.
Anyone with an accent or a particular skin tone is asked to produce a passport or proof of residence, even if they live in Southern California legally. There was a country that, in the past, required citizens to verify their nationality. It was Germany, circa 1945. Does America seriously want to emulate World War II-era Germany?Some Americans say the border patrol effort currently in place is still insufficient.
“Well, now they’re going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol, or they’ll want a higher fence. Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied,” President Obama once said about Republican dissatisfaction over his border protection measures.
Whether or not it is a Republican or bipartisan monster, the border patrol has gotten out of control, pushing America into a new status as a racist police state. The premise of having a border patrol checkpoint just south of San Clemente (well over 50 miles north of Mexico), is allegedly to keep drugs and “illegal immigrants” out of the country. But it’s a facade.
Drugs are still smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico (and elsewhere), and people still come to the U.S. from Mexico without documentation, in an attempt to try to establish residence in a country with a more stable government and more promising economy. America is no more secure with border patrol in place than it was without it; it simply has less privacy and freedom now than it did before. Border patrol continues to search the cars of American people without just cause or a warrant. America is rapidly becoming the most-populous police state on Earth. U.S. citizens continue to voluntarily give up their constitutional rights in exchange for a false sense of security.
The U.S. is treading on dangerous waters.