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St. Patty’s stew


1 whole package raw corned beef that comes with a seasoning packet
1 ´ large yellow onions, raw
10 raw potatoes
5 whole raw carrots
I whole raw green cabbage
4 cups water
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 large tbsp creole seasoning
1 tsp basil

You will need at least a 4 quart crock pot to cook the stew in

Put water, seasoning packet, basil, creole seasoning, garlic, and corned beef into crock pot. Cook on high. Rinse all vegetables excluding onion. Peel and dice onion and potatoes. Slice carrots. Cut out core of cabbage and cut the remaining portion into four pieces. In crock pot, add all remaining ingredients. Cook on high for at least eight hours.

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St. Patty’s stew