Sonjiala Hotchkiss
City Times
On Saturday, May 3, City College will host the Conference for International Relief Organizations (CIRO). Students interested in work and/or internships in areas such as international aid and peace negotiation will have the opportunity to network with executives and recruiters from several organizations.
Professor Steve Bouscaren and Jelena Cingel with the help of City College honors students organized the Conference. CIRO is free to the public. It will start at 8:30 a.m. with a free continental breakfast, and end at 3 p.m. The Conference will feature the music of the group ZimBeat during the free lunch.
President Terry Burgess will make the opening remarks. Organizations presently scheduled to send speakers include the Peace Corps, American Red Cross, International Rescue Committee, Survivors of Torture, Catholic Charities, Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition, Accion, and National Conflict Resolution Center.
Dr. Dee Aker, Interim Director of the University of San Diego International Institute for Peace and Justice, will give the keynote address. Henri Migala, Executive Dean of Institutional Advancement at Cuyamaca College, will provide closing remarks.
Speakers will highlight the skills and training they look for in potential employees and interns.
The organizations in attendance provide help to people across the globe. They also provide both national and international job opportunities.
Additional organizations on site with representatives, pamphlets and information include Amnesty International, Hostelling International, Citizens Diplomacy Council of San Diego and Project Concern International.
Students interested in learning more about the Conference can visit the CIRO website;