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Controversial new club on campus seeks 9/11 truth

A new club on campus addresses controversy with hard evidence; and the 9/11 Truth Club of San Diego City College uses science as the weapon of choice.
“The goal of this club is to educate people on campus and to motivate them to spread the word about 9/11,” Steve Fahrney, club president said.

Mass media has pegged the events of Sept. 11, 2001 as a series of suicide attacks by Al-Qaeda terrorists, in which aircraft hijacking resulted in the collapse of New York City’s World Trade Centers.
The 9/11 Truth club suggests otherwise.
“One thing I want to emphasize is that we’re not a conspiracy club,” Fahrney said.
“The conspiracy word is kind of a derogatory word, so we stay away from it,” Tom Frantz, a member of San Diegans for 9/11 Truth, said.

Instead of “pointing fingers and entertaining conspiracy theories,” the club will investigate eyewitness accounts and forensic evidence that contradict much of what the mass media depicted of 9/11, according to Fahrney.

Guest speaker Dwain Deets, a 37-year retired NASA engineer and contributing member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, spoke at the club’s first meeting, held in the Saville Theatre on Sept 11.

“It actually kind of makes it exciting that we are living in a time when information is being sought out independent of the mainstream by thousands of people; conclusions are being reached, possibly, that the corporate owners of the mainstream media and the banks and really don’t want the public to know,” Deets said at the presentation.

Deets presented an abridged version of Richard Gage’s “9/11 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction.” The video demonstrates side-by-side examples of controlled demolitions of skyscrapers versus actual video footage of the collapse of the World Trade Centers.

Along with the Twin Towers, Building 7 collapsed that day, despite the fact that no airplane ever struck the 47-story structure. More than 835 architects and engineers agree that what the mass media presented to the public regarding building seven proves contradictory to scientific evidence, according to Deets.

“How do you absorb information when it is so contrary to what everyone else is saying is happening?” Deets asked the 35 to 40 attendees.

“My years in doing flight research, engineering, budget planning- all the kind things for NASA-I never, ever came across a problem, if you wanna call it a problem, like the World Trade Center destructions on 9/11/01,” he said.

Prior to starting the club, Fahrney dedicated hundreds of hours and “probably 1,000 websites” on research. An accidental download of the documentary “Loose Change” by Dylan Avery, sparked his initial quest for truth.

“There’s always many people opposed,” Fahrney said. “It’s a heartfelt issue on both sides of the controversy. Fahrney does not personally know any victims or eyewitnesses of the events of 9/11.
On opposition, “nobody has been mean or said anything aggressive or angry in any way,” he said.

The club is giving away free information regarding 9/11 and plans on doing book sales to raise funding for events. Movie screenings and guests speakers are also planned as part of future meetings.

Meeting times and places are “to be determined” by Fahrney. At the onset of club rush week, which ended Sept. 11, there were no confirmed members of the new club, aside from Fahrney. A roster of about 25 interested students rounded off the tally of potential club members.

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Controversial new club on campus seeks 9/11 truth