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Woman in charge

CT: How do you feel being elected AS president?

DC: I feel great. I feel like I’m definitely qualified. I feel completely prepared. I feel like we have an amazing administration that got elected along with me that’s going to start next year. So I really look forward to applying some of the things I learned at state level. I’m currently serving a state wide position. I just learned so much, so I’m really looking forward to bringing that back to the grassroots here, at school and being able to devote more time to that.

CT: What is that position called again?

DC: It’s called the SSCCC which is the Student Senate for California Community Colleges. I’m the regional senator for region 10.

CT: What will be some of your duties as president?

DC: We have district meetings. We have kind of more administration and communication things that we do like with faculty with the president and things like that. And there is an automatic seat in the student trustee. For instance, in some colleges that’s a separate running, some colleges get paid and some colleges don’t of all the 112 community colleges in California. I think president is more of an administrative, facilitating roll.

CT: What are you going to be doing in the summer to prepare for being president?

DC: Currently, I have a very good working relationship with the current president, Beto. I’ve worked with him for the past year. I hope to continue to work with him, to kind of shadow him. I’m hoping to be groomed further by Beto and get his contacts, his plans, his goals and also some of his suggestions. I think that he is very open to that. So I’m looking forward to working really closely with Beto.

CT: What is one of your major projects for the next school year?

DC: The ICC, which stands for the Inter Club Council. Every student has this interest or need and they have the right and the capability and it’s very easy to create a club that represents that. And so that if there’s clubs that are started by students they have this opportunity to share what they’re doing with other clubs and that’s what the purpose of the ICC is. If that’s working properly then all of the students benefit, but if they don’t it’s a major problem and a large portion of the student voice is being neglected. We’re going to strengthen that. We’re going to definitely re-ignite that and get that going.

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Woman in charge