Chancellor Constance Carroll had a lot to say when she hosted an open forum at City College on Sept. 20.
“There are some major issues confronting us right now,” said the chancellor.
She has been making trips to the three schools in the district and the district office with her message. Along with the chancellor, City College President Terrence Burgess and district Executive Vice Chancellor Bonnie Dowd were also in attendance.
She took on the subject of classes that have been cut and the possibility of more classes being cut in future semesters.
“This is poor state policy. It’s not our wish to reduce classes, it’s the state’s active defunding,” said the chancellor. “Anybody that votes for these people should be ashamed of themselves,” she said about the elected officials.
When asked about previous summer session Carroll said, “we cut summer so we could keep fall and spring semesters intact.” She later said the fate of the upcoming summer session would probably be determined around November or December.
Regarding the tuition increase that affected the district this year and the likely increase for next semester Dowd said, “while our fees are low compared to everyone in the nation it would be in the interest of the legislators to have some methodology so students can plan accordingly.”
Dowd then showed the audience a chart of how tuition has doubled from two years ago when it was $20 per unit. She predicts by next semester students will be paying $46 per unit.
As the chancellor ended her open forum by saying, “If you ever want to talk to me about anything please do so.”