City College will host its first “Don’t Be a Bully Conference” on Dec 3.
The free conference is for everyone, including students, parents, and teachers.
The conference will teach children “how to be more than a bystander, less of a victim, and better than a bully.” It will also discuss a crucial issue of cyberbullying through social media such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.
There will also be workshops that will teach adults the definition of bullying and the power of bystanders.
The workshop facilitators include Mara Madrigal-Weiss, a project specialist for the San Diego Country Office of Education; Melanie Culuko, Public Safety Analyst for the Chula Vista Police Department; and Andrea Lujan, a candidate for Miss California.
There will be two main speakers: Tony Young, the president of San Diego City Council, and Kevin Beiser, a trustee of the San Diego Unified Board of Education.
The conference is sponsored by the campus group Students for Free Enterprise (SIFE). The program will be from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Continental breakfast will be served. The registration is free but participant are asked to bring a can of food to help fight hunger. The workshop will be held on campus, in the B-Building in room 103.
For further information please call (619)-388-3999 or e-mail . You can also register online at