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Audience members applaud as burgess finishes his speech during the official grand opening of the MS building. J. Rae Chipera, City Times
Audience members applaud as burgess finishes his speech during the official grand opening of the MS building. J. Rae Chipera, City Times

Math and Sciences building has official grand opening

San Diego City College celebrated the grand opening of its new Mathematics and Social Sciences building on Friday, March 15. The auditorium, which has seating for 120 people, was completely full, leaving many attendees standing.
The ceremony included speeches from a variety of speakers, as well as a walking tour of the new facilities.
“All of [Prop S and N] was about funding new places, places of excellence, that our students can find a better future in with one of the most superb faculty groups in the state of California,” Constance Carroll, chancellor of the San Diego Community College District, said. “Now we have a building, a series of buildings, that matches the expertise of the faculty and addresses the needs of our students.”
Randy Barnes, vice president of instruction, said he was excited the new facility was completed so quickly. “We take great pride in our students and helping them achieve their educational goals. Please be assured we will use this building efficiently and responsibly, and that we will serve our students proudly,” Barnes said.
“As I was thinking about what to say this morning, it dawned on me just how far City College has come in the past decade. Nine years ago, it was fair to say that the book cred of City College was certainly much smaller and it was hard to imagine we would have a state-of-the-art facility like we do today,” Peter Haro, president of the academic senate, said.
The MS building was completed last year, and has been in use since the start of the spring semester.

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Math and Sciences building has official grand opening