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Eating healthy food lowers your risk of cancer and other disease. Aubrey Brewer, City Times.
Eating healthy food lowers your risk of cancer and other disease. Aubrey Brewer, City Times.

Some superfoods to add to your diet

Imagine foods, not drugs, that are powerful enough to help lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and for an added bonus, make you a happier person. And the best part of this, no side effects. These life-altering superfoods are available right now in your local supermarket.

Blueberries – Antioxidant Superfood

Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists.

“Inflammation is a key driver of all chronic disease, so blueberries have a host of benefits,” says Ann Kulze, MD, of Charleston, S.C., author of “Dr. Ann’s 10-step Diet, A Simple Plan for Permanent Wieight Loss.” “When selecting berries, note that the darker they are, the more anti-oxidants they have.”

Omega 3-Rich Fish – Superfoods for the heart, Joints, and Memory

Omega-3’s are most prevalent in fatty, cold-water fish: Look for wild, not farmed salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel. Aim for two to three servings a week. Other forms of omega 3’s are available in eggs, flax seed and walnuts.

Soy – Superfood to Lower Cholesterol

A study reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association in 2003 showed that a diet of soy fiber, protein from oats, barley, almonds and margarine from plant sterols lowered cholesterol as much as statins, the most widely prescribed cholesterol medicine.

Fiber – Superfoods that Aids Weight Loss and Checks Cholesterol

A diet high in fiber will help you maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure. As a bonus, because fiber helps you feel full longer, it’s a great tool in weigh management. Whole grains, beans, fruit and vegetables are all good sources.

Tea – Superfood for Lowering Cholesterol and Inhibiting Cancer

“The Overall antioxidant power of black tea is the same as green tea, “ says Kulze, “but green tea does have ECGC, a powerful antioxidant that we really do think is quite special.” A recent Japanese study on green tea found that men who drank green tea regularly had lower cholesterol than those who didn’t. So replace sugar sodas with tea and you are already one step closer to maintaining your health.


You already know the drill; calcium helps build strong bones and prevents osteoporosis. Look for it in dairy products or supplements. An added bonus is that studies show that calcium is also good for weight loss.

And Finally, the Yummiest Superfood Yet … Dark Chocolate

New research has shown that dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and can lower blood pressure. Kulze recommends that you look for chocolate with 60 percent or higher cocoa content; the darker, the better. In addition, the darker it is, the lower the fat and sugar content. Now that’s our kind of health food.

Any information given here should be consulted with your primary care physician or doctor before it is taken into advice. Remember, your doctor always know best.

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Some superfoods to add to your diet