Social work major Jenica Lampkin, left, and Montserrat Santiago, right, converse while they place rhinestones on their graduation caps, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Photo by Naylise DeGroat/City Times Media
Social work major Jenica Lampkin, left, and Montserrat Santiago, right, converse while they place rhinestones on their graduation caps, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Photo by Naylise DeGroat/City Times Media

GALLERY: City College students decorate graduation caps for upcoming commencement

Commencement will be held May 23 at Spreckels Organ Pavilion

Students and family members came together in Gorton Quad May 14 to decorate graduation caps in preparation for commencement.

Rhinestones, stickers and flowers transformed ordinary black caps into personalized memorabilia.

Click the gallery below to view the decorated graduation caps and learn the inspiration behind them.

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