Halloween has been a longtime tradition of children receiving candy, carving pumpkins and dressing up as their favorite characters. Where along those lines did it become about who can make their costume the sexiest?
The last day of October is reserved for adults and children alike. However, the costumes that some adults like to dress up as should never be shown in front of children and should be reserved for at home. Since when did a nurse become sexy? A nurse’s job is to care for patients not to strut around in all their glory.
Halloween Express, Halloween Spirit and Party City all partake in this evolution of costumes. In the exemption of children’s costumes, it seems that as every generation gets older, costumes get smaller.
The history of Halloween dates back to 2,000 years ago and it began with the Celtic festival of Samhain, according to www.history.com. Surprisingly, Halloween for women was about finding their future husbands and the goal was to be married by the next Halloween. Besides warding off ghosts and asking for food and money, it was also interestingly grounds for finding a husband. This was before it turned into a community holiday where instead of food and money, children were given treats or candy to avoid tricking their neighbors by raiding their house with toilet paper.
In Scotland, it was custom to take a hazelnut and name a potential husband for each hazelnut and throw it into the fire on Halloween. The hazelnut that didn’t pop or burst was the hazelnut that represented who the girl would end up with. If women in the U.S. believe in this, they can grab a bag of walnuts from the closest Wal-Mart instead of trying to find love in the club on Halloween.
Companies seem to be running out of fabric for costumes because Freddy Krueger’s hands can’t even grab a hold of it. Nothing will ever make Yoda or Spongebob sexy. The attempt to make a Minion sexy is beyond disturbing.
It’s a shame lovable characters that children adore have turned into what companies use as a cornerstone to design the next costume for adults to take over and make risqué.
As easy as it is to blame women for actually wearing these traumatizing costumes, what needs to be considered is the company behind the creation of the costume. What message are the Halloween costume companies trying to portray?
Women specifically choose to wear provocative costumes and freeze all night in what little fabric that comes in the plastic packaging, that advertises plenty of accessories. It does not however advertise the clothing included in the package accurately-or lack thereof. Companies are to blame just as much as the person who decides to wear it.
Then again, maybe women enjoy being able to wear their personal favorite characters for a night. It’s everyone’s prerogative on how they celebrate Halloween; so let everyone’s secret desires of being a sexy childhood character be revealed for that one night.