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State propositions and county measures for the progressive voter

Recommendations for the progressive voter. Props and measures not listed have no particular recommendation.

State Propositions:

Prop 51 — YES
A bond issue to raise $9 billion for school infrastructure; $7 billion
for K-12, and $2 billion for community colleges.

Prop 52 — YES
Retains a current fee on hospitals to fund Medi-Cal services. The net
benefit in fiscal year 2015 – 2016 was $3.5 billion.

Prop 53 — NO
Hands too much control on local water, school and transportation
projects to state control.

Prop 54 — NO
Unnecessarily restricts legislative proceedings. Supported by
corporations seeking to avoid government oversight.

Prop 55 — YES
Strongly supported by education groups. Retains 1 to 3 percent
increase on tax on incomes over $250,000 enacted in 2012 to fund
recession shortfall in funding for education and Medi-Cal. Strong yes.

Prop 57 — YES
Provides modest criminal justice reform to reduce the expanding prison
population and ballooning incarceration costs by considering for
parole and early release non-violent prisoners. It is a much needed
response to counter-productive prison policies currently having a
negative impact on society. It will save taxpayers tens of millions of
dollars in reduced prison costs.

Prop 58 — YES
Restores to schools and teachers discretion to decide the best manner
of teaching English to their students. A strong yes.

Prop 59 — YES
Asks California legislators to use their authority and influence to
overturn the Supreme Court ruling commonly called “Citizens United,”
which has allowed corporations and billionaires to spend unlimited
amounts of money to influence elections.

Prop 60 — NO
Gives the state restrictive and potentially costly oversight on the
adult film industry without a clear benefit. The stated goal of
improving the safety of workers is not well indicated. Might actually
be overbearing harassment against workers in that industry.

Prop 61 — YES
Provides guidelines for state purchases of medicines to reduce gouging
by pharmaceutical companies.

Prop 62 — YES
Ends death penalty. A strong yes.

Prop 63 — YES
Establishes sensible and reasonable oversight to restrict access for
certain people to particular weapons and ammunition. Broadly

Prop 64 — YES
Legalizes cannabis for adults. While still unnecessarily restrictive
it is a broad step toward sane policy. A corollary benefit is the
potential billions to be raised in tax revenue as has been enjoyed in
states where legalization has already occurred. A strong yes.

Prop 66 — NO
Seeks to continue death penalty. A strong no.

Prop 67 — YES
We agree that plastic bag use should be reduced.

San Diego County Measures:

Measure A — NO
We support infrastructure repair such as this measure seeks, but the
funding on this one falls heavily and unfairly on lower income

Measure B — NO
Seeks to develop Lilac Hills Ranch. Benefits narrow interests and is
not the kind of broad housing improvement the county needs. No. Just

Measure C — NO
A civic planning disaster. A Charger stadium, “the Convadium,” built
downtown a block from PetCo Park and two thirds funded by taxes. Big

Measure D — YES
A convention center expansion supported by San Diego hoteliers. If we must expand the convention center, this is the plan we support.

Measure I — YES
Keep San Diego High School in its current historic location.

Measure K — NO
We are unconvinced of the need for this change in the democratic
process, that it would have unforeseen consequences, and fear that it
would be unnecessarily costly.

Measure M — YES
Raises the limit on the number of affordable housing units.

Measure N — NO
Seeks to put an unreasonably large tax on cannabis if it legalized.
This would only encourage a black market and possibly even decrease
tax revenue.

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State propositions and county measures for the progressive voter