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There are more important things to worry about

Girls playing with Nerf guns and boys playing with Barbies, what a wonderful world.

Advertisements that show these crossed gender norms seem like a good thing, they tear down the constraints of gender, equality for all. But everybody needs to focus on ripping down these ideas of man and woman and work on us all as people.

Gender divides are a big problem for America, after all it took 144 years for women to get to vote in this country.

Many professions have huge divides in the pay scale for men and women. In porn, women get paid close to four times what men do and in the medical industry where men make thousands of dollars more than women each year.

Gender is out there.

Our constructions of gender are vast, we enforce our gendered society every moment of every day. Every time we look down aghast at a man crying, or a woman being assertive. When we tell men “don’t hit a lady” and tell women to cook, clean and raise the kids, and you ought to get a part time job while you’re at it.

Our society is gendered.

These issues are important, we need to deal with them, right? Well … Yes we do.

Our country’s national debt increases by $4 billion a day according to Representative Kevin Brady of Texas in a report by ABC News.

Is it important to remove gender from our society? Yeah it is, however there are so many more important things to do, like repairing our national economy, switching our nation to renewable energy sources, ending our international conflict and refocusing our national spending on the homefront.

They are on the list of things our nation needs to address, but we have much bigger problems at hand, ones that corporations don’t want us to look at, because national defense is a $3.8 trillion industry.

So next time you see these ads, recognize that we need to do something about it, much like we all need to travel to Europe, but it’s a luxury and we need to take care of business with our economy first.

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There are more important things to worry about