Students: Don’t pay for free parking!
On-campus parking for students is free for entire fall semester

Parking lot 3, located on the southeast side of campus, is free for students to use during the fall 2021 semester. Photo by Marlena Harvey, City Times Media
September 7, 2021
Students returning to San Diego City College this fall may have worries about remembering a mask, what is open to purchase food or drinks, and even finding an unlocked bathroom.
One thing they don’t have to worry about is on-campus parking, or at least paying for it.
Permits are not required for any students parking in student lots. Students still may not park in faculty or staff parking lots, except for one designated Wi-Fi lot, Lot 5.
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The relief isn’t just for students.
“We also are not charging faculty for their first parking permit replacement, if they lose them during the fall semester,” Campus Police Administrative Assistant Lisa Lloyd said.
After the free first replacement, it costs $40 to purchase another permit.
Designated Wi-Fi lots have been created on San Diego Community College District campuses providing students access to the internet in their cars while parked in the lot. Lot 5 at City College is open Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Fridays 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Campus police is asking all students to remain in their cars while using the Wi-fi lot, and park in every other space to practice and reinforce social distancing.

Campus police will continue to monitor the parking situation throughout the semester, promoting safety on campus as students and faculty slowly return as officers did during the pandemic when City College was empty.
“Campus police never got a break like the rest of us did during COVID,” Lloyd said. “Crime doesn’t just take a break.”
Starting in October, passes are available for purchase for the fall and spring semesters. Monthly trolley and bus passes are also available for purchase to any student enrolled in 7 or more college units.
Semester passes are currently $175 and monthly passes are $57.60.
Metropolitan Transit Systems also recently unveiled its new payment app, PRONTO, which was made available September 1. City College students can ride free on all MTS transit through the month of September.
PRONTO passes can be purchased at local retailers. For a full list of retailers carrying the passes and more information on PRONTO, please click here. A current map of City College can be found here,
The Regional Transit Office can be reached at (619) 233-3004 for bus schedule information.
Multimedia journalist Jakob McWhinney contributed to this report.