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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


Bookstore policy potentially confusing

Shane Finneran March 8, 2011

Nursing student Shantell Lacy attempted to return a textbook at the City College bookstore on Feb. 8 but gave up after speaking to the cashier, who mentioned that the last day for a full refund was Jan....

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Women talking openly about sex

Angella d'Avignon March 8, 2011

After the sold-out debut performance, the cast of the 'Vagina Monologues' gathered on stage to host a talk back forum the night of Friday Feb. 18. In light of the monologues, collected and arranged by...

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Learn the tricks of creating a resume

Cecilia Areta March 8, 2011

The Career Center is offering a workshop March 10 in the Learning Resource Center (LRC), room R-301, for those students looking to learn the do's and don'ts and tricks to creating a great resume. Joseph...

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AS to celebrate Women’s Month

Rachel Keown-Burke March 8, 2011

In 1911, "more than one million women and men attended (event rallies) campaigning for women's rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination," according to March...

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Cross campus with caution

Layne Deyling March 8, 2011

In these days of shaky elevators and closed sidewalks, careless City College students could face danger walking the campus inattentively, especially after nightfall. "City College is nestled right into...

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Publisher tells students to strive for success

City College business students filled the room Feb. 16 to hear Dr. John Warren, publisher and CEO of San Diego Voice & Viewpoint, during the first of three free Business Networking Breakfasts this spring...

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Ramen for Brown

A few dozen students and some faculty members laid "dead" in Gorton Quad on March 2, part of a statewide protest of Gov. Jerry Brown's proposal to cut millions from higher education. After the die-in...

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iPad 2: Better, stronger, faster

Fernando Yates March 8, 2011

Apple released the much-anticipated iPad 2 on March 11. The tablet sold out at many stores during the weekend, and the wait period for online orders is now weeks long. Apple has yet to release the total...

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IT and Business Training Program graduation

Sonjiala Hotchkiss March 8, 2011

"I'm good, but I'm not that good," professor Rose LaMuraglia said when faced with student Alice Hernandez, who didn't know how to turn on a computer when she started the Excellence Through Pride Information...

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College celebrates Black History Month

Megan Rose Bartell March 8, 2011

Nearly 100 students took in performances of gospel singing, fraternity step marching and open-mic poetry as City College hosted the first Black History Month celebration in at least eight years in Gorton...

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More cuts to education

Jack Chang MCT Campus February 15, 2011

The leaders of California's three higher education systems said on Feb. 7 they are preparing to make budget cuts proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown, but warned that fewer degree programs and enrollment slots...

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Former fraudster reflects on his fall

Ricky Soltero February 15, 2011

"Don't trust me," said Barry Minkow. "I'm a convicted felon. A crook." Minkow, a former business prodigy who went to prison for a white-collar crime, spoke to City College students during a presentation...

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