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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times



Michele Suthers and Michele Suthers May 9, 2011

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Future History

Shane Finneran and Shane Finneran May 9, 2011

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SOCIAL MEDIUM: NAFTA has failed Mexican workers

Sandra Galindo and Sandra Galindo May 9, 2011

On January 1, 1994, Mexico, Canada and the United States signed the North American Free Trade Agreement. The stated goal was to eliminate barriers of trade and investment and promote the conditions for...

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PRO: Start searching for alternatives

Brandon Porras and Brandon Porras May 9, 2011

The price of oil in the United States has reached an outrageous high. With oil reserves worth billions or trillions of barrels in America, shouldn't the government make that oil accessible to the public?...

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CON: Excessive driving wastes resources

Scott McLean and Scott McLean May 9, 2011

Does the U.S.A. need to produce more oil to help ease the demand? Driving, like most luxuries in the USA, is thought by most to be an American rite of passage. You turn 16 and get your license. You...

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Social Medium: Cuts to education affect welfare recipient

Sandra Galindo April 25, 2011

Budget cuts have hit the most vulnerable families. The dream of academic achievement fades with access to the education we needed to step out of poverty. Thousands of students on welfare and attending...

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None of your business, UN

City Times Editorial Board April 25, 2011

Ever wonder which of the events in your life your children will look back on and be appalled by? Look around - you are living through one right this minute. On March 19, the United Nations, international...

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CON: Pedestrians vs Drivers

Cecilia Areta April 25, 2011

Drivers frequently question why pedestrians insist on staggering through crosswalks despite the blinking red hand signal. Everyone on the road wants to get to where they need to be, so why is it okay...

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PRO: Pedestrians vs Drivers

Alec Fernandes April 25, 2011

Picture this: southern California is consumed by smog, yet the sun manages to shine through the dingy atmosphere. The breeze is pleasant and gas is $5 a gallon, so you decide to get some exercise while...

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Gabriel Spatuzzi April 25, 2011

"The New Atheists" is a term applied to a collection of contemporary writers, polemicists, scientists and intellectuals who cite the 9/11 terrorist attacks as the catalyst for their fervent public criticism...

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Letter to the Editor: Skipped classes to save classes

Miguel Castaneda April 25, 2011

The Student walk-out and march held on March 31st was the result of direct attacks on the working class, and students. We skipped one day of class in an effort to save 500 classes next semester, you do...

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Letter to the Editor: ‘God given rights apply to everyone’

Nathan Black April 25, 2011

Editor: In his column, In God We Trust? Maybe We Need a New Motto, Gabriel claims "In God We Trust" replaced E Pluribus Unum as our national motto out of fear from communism amidst a cold war. Factually,...

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