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City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


Opposing viewpoints – smoking on campus

Evonne Ermey and Carlos Maia August 24, 2009

It's official; City College has jumped on the smoke-free bandwagon. For a smoker like me this means being relegated to the badlands of the campus parking lot where I get the added health benefit of car...

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Here comes ‘The Panic’

Donna P. Crilly August 24, 2009

Summer's over, and I've stored enough wild memories in three months to span a year. I'm ready for school, but I can't help but feel an inward panic writhing inside my bowels, destined to get cut loose...

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Donna P. Crilly August 24, 2009

A few days ago, my friend Joey called me. I hadn't spoken or heard from him in two or three months. "Hey Donna. I'm going to Mexico tomorrow. I just wanted say goodbye." "Random. For how long?" I said....

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Credit card reform may launch a new view on money

Kris Noneman and Kris Noneman May 18, 2009

The United States Senate is currently debating a measure that would greatly restrict credit card companies' ability to conduct business in the way the companies have become accustomed to: stripping away...

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When you don’t get in: Accepting life sans transfer

Heather Richards and Heather Richards May 18, 2009

I'm going to start by telling you the truth; I probably didn't get accepted to any of my chosen schools this fall. I've been considering the possibility since November - that slight possibility, like...

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Buying a parking pass? Really?

Tom Andrew and Tom Andrew May 18, 2009

It's no secret that the parking here at City College is worse now than it has ever been since construction for the new parking structure has started. I have had to continually get to the school as early...

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Thanks, California, but I’ve already got a job

So, the state government is asking us to vote in a special election on May 19. They're putting six initiatives in the hands of California voters. Five initiatives directly address the budget. One initiative...

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Narcissism is an epidemic

Donna P. Crilly and Donna P. Crilly May 18, 2009

I was sitting on the couch at my friend Joey's downstairs loft with his older sister and Alli. Joey was fondling his new gold chain wrapped around his neck. I hadn't noticed his trendy throat decor until...

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The curious case of Slumdog Millionaire

Samir Roy and Samir Roy May 18, 2009

When Slumdog Millionaire hit theaters with rave reviews, the Indian blood in me started racing excitedly. It had been father's purpose to bring the culture of India with him into his new country back...

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DON’T PANIC: The end is near, but there are options

Sonjiala Hotchkiss and Sonjiala Hotchkiss May 18, 2009

I recently spent some time moving heavy pieces of furniture around in my apartment which is about the size of a medium hat box. I say medium only because I've lived in smaller. The important thing to...

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Vox Populi

Donna P. Crilly and Donna P. Crilly May 18, 2009

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Would it better to burn out or just fade away?

Donna P. Crilly and Donna P. Crilly May 4, 2009

I recently had a discussion with Nate Hipple, a fellow student reporter on City Times, about society's tendency to sensationalize the lives of celebrities who died young, like Heath Ledger. Watching...

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The news site of San Diego City College