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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

Employees’ actions reflect on their employers

Kenan Jackson October 14, 2014

With the boom in social media and other types of technologies, employers now have access to employee’s personal information that they could not have had 20 years ago.Many employers make their employees...

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Employees’ actions reflect on their employers

Kenan Jackson October 14, 2014

With the boom in social media and other types of technologies, employers now have access to employee’s personal information that they could not have had 20 years ago.Many employers make their employees...

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Employees’ actions reflect on their employers

Kenan Jackson October 14, 2014

With the boom in social media and other types of technologies, employers now have access to employee’s personal information that they could not have had 20 years ago.Many employers make their employees...

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The news site of San Diego City College
Adrian Peterson