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City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


A history of Halloween

Stephen Boyd-Morales October 25, 2010

Every October we celebrate the Halloween holiday. Children find costumes of their favorite character. Some become ninjas, some monsters, some become pretty-pretty princesses, and some dress as witches....

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Halloween costumes… sexy or scary?

Haley Manbeck October 25, 2010

Halloween is approaching which means little kids will be running down the street looking for candy, Spirit stores are cropping up everywhere and girls of every shape and size will be showing up to parties...

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Thanksgiving Recipes

Stephen Boyd-Morales October 25, 2010

Oven-Roasted Tofurkey  1 stuffed Tofurkey Roast (The best place I found to pick these up are at Trader Joes. They usually start selling them just after Halloween and through the Holidays for 10-15 dollars....

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Stephen Boyd-Morales October 25, 2010

Every October we celebrate the Halloween holiday. Children find costumes of their favorite character. Some become ninjas, some monsters, some become pretty-pretty princesses, and some dress as witches....

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Center frame

Anulak Singphiphat October 11, 2010

From unexposed film to a fully functional work of art, San Diego City College's new photography facility has the makings to become the hub of everything photographic in San Diego. The Photography department...

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A lesson in pain

Anulak Singphiphat October 11, 2010

Douglas Welsh is a professor of photography at San Diego City College. He teaches Traditional Black and White Photography and Digital Photography. He has been a full-time tenured high school photography...

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I am a business, man — not a businessman

Anulak Singphiphat September 27, 2010

Students are trying to find ways to get ahead in this economy and with the job market the way it is, things don't always look too bright so you have to know how to sell yourself. One way to land the job...

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Smartphones, more than just a phone

Fernando Yates September 27, 2010

Use your phone in class for more than texting. School has started up once again which means that hours of studying are being pushed back for more enjoyable activities. When crunch time does happen to...

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Pre interview grooming tips

September 27, 2010

Hair: Should be clean and neat. Shoes: Should be in polished condition. Make sure heels are not worn. Details: No missing buttons, no lint; and don't forget to remove external tags and tacking stitches...

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Do your homework, get the job

Mollie Shepardson September 27, 2010

Outside of school the last thing that a student wants to do is homework. Unfortunately the tedious work of research doesn't end once outside of the classroom door. If you want to be hired, you must do...

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Women’s styling guidelines

September 27, 2010

Getting ready for a job interview is often a time of excitement for women. We focus on ideas of what life will be like after we get hired and wonder what we will buy with that first paycheck. A main...

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A look inside City College tattoo culture

Jason Boyle and Jason Boyle May 17, 2010

The idea of intentionally marking one's body can be daunting, especially considering the fact that it's not only permanent, but the process itself can be painful, too. Despite that, the trend of tattooing...

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