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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


Web site investigates and grades college sustainability

City Times News Services October 6, 2008

MIKE DORSEY UC Davis Aggie DAVIS (U-WIRE) -- Schools are used to giving grades - not receiving them. But when the tables are turned, the truth about a university's real desire to "go green" comes out...

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California budget cuts leave transfer students hanging

City Times News Services October 6, 2008

Justin Cooper SDSU Daily Aztec SAN DIEGO (U-WIRE) - A message from San Diego State to prospective transfer students: Come back next fall. The state of California has slashed the education budget by 10...

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City professor releases film

Veronica Eissa September 22, 2008

"This is the fullest it's been in years" Professor Laura Castaneda boasted admiringly. She had not seen RTVC140 this full since 5 semesters ago. And she cannot explain why. Maybe it has to do with her...

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MEChA celebrates Mexican holiday

Luis Bahena September 22, 2008

The mood was set by Spanish music playing in Gorton Quad as M.E.Ch.A. (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) set up the area to celebrate Mexican Independence day on Sept 16. With poetry readings...

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Book Fair takes over campus starting Sept. 25

Fahima Paghmani September 22, 2008

San Diego City College will hold its third annual book fair, seven events in the month of Sept through Oct. It will be held in the Saville Theatre and Room D121. The Saville Theatre, located first floor...

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Court pans in-state tuition for illegal immigrants

From City Times News Services September 22, 2008

Emily Grospe UC Berkeley Daily Californian BERKELEY (U-WIRE) - A state appellate court has ruled that a state law granting subsidized in-state tuition rates to undocumented California college students...

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Trolley Dances return in October

Evonne Ermey September 22, 2008

Most people don't think of dancing when they think of public transportation, but for the past ten years that is exactly what Jean Isaacs Dance Theatre and the Metropolitan Transit System have been bringing...

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urban garden revised

Carlos Maia September 22, 2008

San Diego City College campus has a new urban farm program that started this fall semester the farm is located in between the Seville theatre and the Learning resource center. Karon Klipple is a mathematics...

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Meal and deals

Sean Daugherty September 8, 2008

I asked the owners what's your best taco, they said"Birria Chivo." They get repeat customers.They have been open for two years on Imperial Ave and six years in San Ysidro.They give discounts for those...

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Aztec Invitational

Sean Daugherty September 8, 2008

This years Aztec invitational was good experience for me and other runners. I asked Dan Lineman a sixty year old man that has stayed in shape by running all his life. I have to he was in better shape than...

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Men and Womens Cross Country

Sean Daugherty September 8, 2008

I asked coach Kieley of the womans cross country for the Knights some questions.She was unsure where her team would place. She had some new runners this season. I asked Erenira Miguel what made her join...

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Teachers union calls district out over staff cutbacks

David McAtee September 8, 2008

A district-wide conflict erupted this week as allegations broke that the San Diego Community College District has been reorganizing non-faculty in order to terminate hourly employees since mid August. According...

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