Prepare to vote with the City Times election edition
Election resource designed to help voters prepare to cast their votes on Nov. 6

Included with your City Times newspaper is an election insert, which includes vital information voters can take with them to the ballot box on Nov. 6 when they cast their votes. Photo by Tiffany Rihana, City Times.
October 30, 2018

Included with your City Times newspaper is an election insert, which includes vital information voters can take with them to the ballot box on Nov. 6 when they cast their votes.
The insert includes the candidates in the major races like California governor, attorney general, city council offices and community college board of trustees seats.
It also includes what is being proposed at the state, as well as the local levels, and who is funding the support and objections to the major proposals and measures.
This special edition of the City Times, along with the election insert, will be distributed on the City College campus in the days leading to the election.
It will also be delivered to 12 local high schools to inform and motivate the generation that is approaching voting age or voting for the first time this November.
To view the digital edition of the City Times, visit
To view the digital edition of the election insert. visit