City College: Check out these 6 events happening Halloween in San Diego
There are options for all ages all over the county
Haunted Trails in Balboa Park is one of many San Diego events for Halloween. Haunted Trails courtesy photo
October 31, 2022
With Halloween here and last-minute costumes drying from the hot glue gun, where students and faculty decide to celebrate the spooky holiday should be a simple task.
San Diego is full of events catered to the variety of ages that make up San Diego City College’s population.
Many of these celebrations will take place on Halloween. There are options for people with children, those who work and who are under 21.

The Scream Zone (all ages)
Thursday, Oct. 27 through Oct. 31, 7 p.m to 11 p.m
The Scream Zone located at the Del Mar Fairgrounds is open to all who dare to be frightened through the main attractions: the haunted hayride, hell-billy hootenanny and the passage.
For those who can’t stomach the gore or were simply dragged along for the ride, they can hang out in the compound entrance filled with food vendors, roaming characters and photo opportunities.
Tickets to the Scream Zone can be found here.
Rooftop Cinema Club (18+)
Thursday, Oct. 27 through Oct. 31
Manchester Grand Hyatt, 1 Market Pl, San Diego, CA 92101
This outdoor theater located on the roof of the Manchester Grand Hyatt located in Downtown San Diego would be a good option for students who can’t go to bars yet or those who just want more of a relaxed night out.
Well-known thrillers like “Scary Movie” and “Friday the 13th” will be playing throughout the weekend. On Halloween day, “Halloweentown” and the 1978 version of “Halloween” will be shown.
Tickets and more information can be found here.
The Haunted Trail (all ages)
Sept. 23 through Oct. 31
The corner of Balboa Dr & Juniper Balboa Park
If you don’t want to go as far as the Del Mar Fairgrounds to wet yourself, the Haunted Trail located at Balboa Park is the way to go.
The venue has two attractions: the haunted trail and the “eXperiement maze.” Both are determined to scare your money’s worth.
Buy your tickets here in advance as both attractions are subject to a nightly capacity.
Ghosts and Gravestones Frightseeing Tour (all ages)
Aug. 22 through Nov. 6
4010 Twiggs St, San Diego, CA 92110
If walking all night through scary trails or going door-to-door taking your child trick or treating is not your idea of fun, San Diego trolley tours offer a 90-minute tour around Old Town San Diego to give riders insight on the history, secrets, and legends of San Diego.
The ghostly ride will end outside of the Whaley House and the El Campo Santo Cemetery where patrons can roam.
Ticket purchases can be found here.