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City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


Legend magazine a finalist for a Maggie Award

Angelica Wallingford, Editor in Chief March 24, 2015

San Diego City College campus magazine was named as a finalist from the Western Publishing Association (WPA) for Best Print Publication/Student for the 2015 Maggie awards. The summer-fall 2014 edition...

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Embarking on the future of education

Phoenix Webb March 24, 2015

San Diego City College hosted the Mexican American Business and Professional Association's monthly luncheon meeting March 13 in the Corporate Education Center, located on the first floor of the MS building. “It's...

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Manpower makes its return to City

Phoenix Webb March 24, 2015

The job market is changing. It's not enough for a student to finish school and seek employment. Employers are now looking for candidates who also have work experience to back up their education. ManpowerGroup...

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Adjunct professor Ian Duckles addresses students and staff gathered at Gorton Quad on Feb. 25 to raise awareness about the ongoing struggle of part-time
teaching staff at community colleges and universities at the local and state level. Shrinking budgets have made it economically beneficial for schools to  rely heavily on their adjunct faculty, who make less money and receive fewer benefits than their full-time counterparts Photo credit: Joe Kendall

Part-time professors rally for full-time equality

Phoenix Webb March 10, 2015

More than 100 adjunct instructors and their supporters took another stand against inequality with a rally Feb. 25 at San Diego City College. The rally was organized by Ian Duckles on behalf of Associated...

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It’s all according to plan

Phoenix Webb March 10, 2015

“Got an ed plan?” was a question seen on campus at the beginning of this semester in the form of pins, pens, pamphlets, on the school website and on banners. It was a campaign designed to make San...

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College shows its Manpower

Phoenix Webb March 10, 2015

San Diego City College was host to Manpower in February to hire students that was made possible by a region wide grant.The grant was explained by Rose LaMaruglia who is the dean of business and technology...

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Sexual battery reported at City College

Angelica Wallingford, Editor in Chief March 4, 2015

A San Diego City College student reported an incident of sexual battery while walking from campus March 3. According to a Safety Alert released by the San Diego Community College District, the incident...

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The Veterans Student Center office provides computers and a place to relax for veterans and active duty service members. Photo credit: Joe Kendall

Veteran Affairs and services provides support for active, retired armed service members

Phoenix Webb February 26, 2015

San Diego is identified as a military town. As a result of this, San Diego City College has a sizable veteran and active military population, which makes up 11 percent of the student population, according...

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KSDS DJ Ron Dhanifu, on-air during his “Afternoon Jazz” session, jumps back into his seat after running across the hallway for a CD from their new music library room. Photo credit: Richard Lomibao

Jazz station getting back into the swing of things

Aldo Ramírez February 24, 2015

With the renovation of the C Building underway at San Diego City College, longtime City College radio station KSDS has had some interference in transmission regarding its broadcasts.Last fall, the studio...

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Parking still an issue for students

Torrey Spoerer February 24, 2015

Rachel Kennett, a 29-year-old visual arts student, walks to the V building garage, where she and many other students usually find some of the only available parking spots on the campus. “The MS building...

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Edward Yannaccone (right), President of the Philosophy and Cameron Kiplinger, Vice President, look to recruit sophomore mechanical engineering student Luis Garcia (left) during Club Rush on Feb. 12. Photo credit: Richard Lomibao

Random acts of club rush

Franchesca Walker, Co-Arts & Features Editor February 24, 2015

Students and clubs gathered in the new quad of the Arts and Humanities and Business Technology buildings for Club Rush. Organized by ASG and the Inter Club Council (ICC), the event took place Feb. 11-12...

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City College’s 2013-2014 year in review

City College’s 2013-2014 year in review

Phoenix Webb February 3, 2015

San Diego City College released its annual Report to the Community on its website before the start of the new semester. The report reviews the academic year 2013-2014 in 42 pages and includes events,...

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