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The news site of San Diego City College

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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


City student Jeannette Mayo Gallegos presented with a scholarship

Scholarship season at City College begins Dec. 1

Students can apply for over 50 scholarships using the Academic Works portal
Ren Charifa, Multimedia Journalist November 7, 2023
There are over 50 scholarships available. Students looking for support in applying can visit the scholarship office in A-270.
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Vice President of Administrative Services John Parker, left, speaks with Acting Lieutenant Jason Stone, right, after the Safety Forum on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Photo by Bailey Kohnen/City Times Media.

SDCCD releases its annual safety report with City College crime statistics

Annual document intended to provide students with information needed to stay safe on campus
Bailey Kohnen, Multimedia Journalist November 6, 2023
The annual document is intended to provide students with information needed to stay safe on campus.
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Anaissa Paul, left, representing Whittier College, and Emmett Ingram, center, representing Columbia University speak to City College students David Agboola, standing left, Tyra Lawley, background, and Gwendolyn Kesler, standing right, at the Fall Transfer Fair, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023. Photo by Sean Monney/City Times Media

As the costs of public universities rise, private colleges want City College students’ consideration

Small class sizes, financial aid programs among benefits private universities tout to transfer students
Luke Bradbury, Multimedia Journalist November 3, 2023
A community college student’s continuation of their education is an already difficult process. Many students strike out private universities due to the costs, but there are benefits that come with that kind of price tag.
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Liberal Arts and Black Studies student Sara Tiumalu sets up games for a Mental Health Services event on campus, Oct. 19, 2023. Sara is one of over 40 million holders of student loans. Photo by Kevin Ouellette/City Times Media

Student loan interest and debt payments are back. City College students are among those affected

As payments resume and interest accumulates, students can plan accordingly
Kevin Ouellette, Multimedia Journalist November 1, 2023
The temporary suspension of federal student loan payments and the waiving of interest officially expired as of October 2023.
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Jonathan Tyler, a student in the esthetician program, walks into the financial aid office to work on FAFSA, Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023. Photo by Keila Menjivar Zamora/City Times Media

Changes are coming to the FAFSA application. Here’s what you need to know.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid will have less questions, will communicate directly with the IRS
Keila Menjivar Zamora, Multimedia Journalist October 30, 2023
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA for short, will have less questions and will communicate directly with the IRS, according to City College officials
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Members of the board of trustees and city officials join acting Community College District Chancellor Greg Smith, fifth from left, in striking the dirt during the groundbreaking ceremony at the site of San Diego City College’s future housing complex, Oct. 20, 2023. Photo by Luke Bradbury/City Times Media

City College student housing details shared during groundbreaking ceremony

While final plans have not been finalized, the affordable campus residence is moving forward.
Luke Bradbury, Multimedia Journalist October 26, 2023
Officials from the city, including San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, joined Joel Peterson from the San Diego Community College District and City College President Ricky Shabazz in sharing details and expectations for the project.
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Fast connections to the internet are a promised feature of the new SDCCD-Campus-Connect Wi-Fi network coming November 2023. Vince Outlaw/City Times Media

Spotty coverage to end as Wi-Fi update at City College rolls out

District-wide initiative promises enhanced speed and security, guest network scheduled for November completion
Vince Outlaw, Multimedia Journalist October 23, 2023
A new Wi-Fi system, SDCCD-Campus-Connect, has become available on the City College campus in and around the AH and BT buildings. 
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SDSU students walk down a walkway in front of Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union, Oct. 12, 2023. SDSU is part of the CSU system set to raise tuition 6% for each of the next five years. Photo by Marco Guajardo/City Times Media

City College students, administrators share CSU tuition increase concerns

California State Universities approve 6% annual tuition hike each of the next five years, community college leaders speak on their proposed solutions
Marco Guajardo, Editor in Chief October 13, 2023
In a recent move that sparked mixed responses among students and educational leaders, the California State University system approved a 6% annual tuition increase for the next five years, compounding to 34%, beginning in fall 2024.
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Collapsed remains of the initial demolition of the old Child Development Center hang behind the excavator used to tear the walls down Tuesday morning, September 19, 2023. Photo by Keila Menjivar/City Times Media

TIMELINE: On-campus student housing coming to City College

Demolition has finally started on the future site of the affordable residential development. Here is a timeline of the project so far.
Bailey Kohnen and Ren Charifa October 6, 2023
Demolition began on the old child development center on Sept. 19, where the new housing will be located. Here's a timeline of the project so far.
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Maria Nieto Senour de la Junta Directiva, a dirige a los invitados que asistieron al evento de Red de Educadores Chicane/Latine el 15 de Septiembre, 2023. Photo by Nathaly Alvizures/City Times Media

Red de educadores se reúne en City College para festejar cultura, logros profesionales

El énfasis fue de conectar la comunidad a trabajadores Chicanes/Latines con alto rango y autoridad administrativa en el campo de la educación
Nathaly Alvizures, Contributor October 4, 2023
Se pudo ver el énfasis en dejar un legado para nuevas generaciones con raíces Latine/Chicane y en educar a estudiantes sobre la importancia de dejar afuera los estigmas que a veces acompañan a los colegios comunitarios.
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Maria Nieto Senour of the Board of Directors speaks to attendees at the Chicanx/Latinx Educators Network event on Sept. 15. Photo by Nathaly Alvizures/City Times Media

Network of educators gathers at City College to celebrate culture, professional accomplishments

The emphasis was to connect community with Chicanx/Latinx professionals in high level administrative positions in the education field
Nathaly Alvizures, Contributor October 4, 2023

Para leer versión en español, haga click aqui.  Latinx professionals who are part of a community of colleagues working in the field of education attended a networking event at San Diego City College...

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Nicole, a member of the student organization M.E.Ch.A., speaks to the crowd at a rally honoring the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa, Mexico, September 26, 2023. Photo by Eve McNally/City Times Media

Ayotzinapa 9 years later: M.E.Ch.A rallies to raise awareness, seek justice on disappearance of 43 Mexican students

City College students commemorate rural teachers’ college students who disappeared on their way to honor victims of historic Tlatelolco student massacre in Mexico
Keila Menjivar Zamora, Sean Monney, and Marco Guajardo September 27, 2023
Nine years after 43 prospective teachers were disappeared in Iguala, Mexico, members of M.E.Ch.A of San Diego City College rallied on campus on Sept. 26 to commemorate the events
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