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City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


Some customers are just awful

Torrey Spoerer December 5, 2013

From early November through the final hours of New Year's Day, retail stores and restaurants are about to endure their chaotic surge in customer traffic and increased profits from said traffic surge.The...

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Don’t get mad at the cashier

Michelle Moran December 5, 2013

In most businesses, if not all, there is one mutual agreement: the customer is always right. Even when they yell at an employee and cause a scene in public, is the customer still right? A manager will...

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Jerry Brown loves prisons

Torrey Spoerer November 18, 2013

California Proposition 30 was originally approved as a crucial step towards fixing our financially drained public educational system by funding schools with newly implemented taxes. As of this fall, however,...

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Behind the political curtain

Sandra Galindo November 13, 2013

Many people are angry about San Diego's special election on Nov. 19, not only because it’s expected to cost taxpayers nearly $5 million but because it’s a bitter reminder of Mayor Bob Filner’s...

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Social Medium

Jennifer Manalili and Sandra Galindo September 17, 2013

Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King died fighting against the oppression of workers. He was working on The Poor People’s Campaign, demanding economic and human rights for all, regardless of race.To...

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Miley Cyrus. Official Facebook image.

Miley Cyrus and her use of cultural appropriation

Jennifer Manalili September 14, 2013

Remember when Miley Cyrus lived on the Disney Channel as Hannah Montana? Cyrus used the persona as a launching vehicle when she rose to fame in 2006.Just weeks ago, Cyrus made headlines for a raunchy performance...

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Diplomacy talk begins

Torrey Spoerer September 14, 2013

Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and other Middle Eastern nations have all been trampled for years by foreign interests in hopes of eradicating al-Qaida. Yet now, we find ourselves, yet again, debating...

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Plastic Bags are a non-renewable resource

Michael Liggins December 18, 2012

It's time to ditch the plastic and go green. The production and consumption of plastic bags has a huge impact on our planet's ecosystem. Plastic bags are a drain on our nation's oil supplies, harmful...

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Editorial: A necessary tax to protect education

September 17, 2012

We have already kissed summer goodbye and while the hot weather still lingers, time rolls on, Nov. 6 is fast approaching. It is important that as we dedicate ourselves to our academic obligations, we do...

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Manage online image

February 23, 2012

Since the boom of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, employers and recruiters have actively used social media to screen potential candidates during their hiring process. According to Forbes, nearly 90...

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Pro: We are what we tweet

February 23, 2012

What does your Facebook say about you? Are you self-absorbed because you post 100 plus times a day, or just up to date? Are your a wild drunkard because of that photo album, or do you have more experience...

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Con: Facebook is not my résumé

February 23, 2012

We were taught as kids to not judge a book by its cover. Well, your Facebook status just might determine whether or not you land that job you are fighting for. Websites like Facebook, Google+, Twitter...

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