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City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

The news site of San Diego City College

City Times


District has new boss for facilities

Nailah Edmondson December 11, 2007

Experienced project manager David Umstot took over the facilities management vice chancellor position in the San Diego City College District this summer. As vice chancellor just a few of his duties are...

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San Diego mini-dorm law passes City Council

Kim Swain December 11, 2007

SAN DIEGO (U-WIRE) - San Diego lawmakers added another law to a growing number of ordinances designed to combat the prevalence of mini-dorms, but put off another for further consideration in January. The...

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City Times receives numerous awards

December 11, 2007

City Times swept an entire category in the college journalism division of the San Diego Press Club's annual awards in November. The accomplishment is part of several local and regional awards the student...

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City Middle College graduates 25 students

Christopher Bloss December 11, 2007

Twenty-five City Middle College (CMC) students received their College Certificate of Completion at noon Dec. 7 in a ceremony being held in the faculty/staff cafeteria. CMC was founded seven years ago,...

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Marathon man kicks the habit and runs

Nailah edmondson December 11, 2007

"Lemons, make lemonade out of them because there is never ever going to be an adversity so huge that you can't overcome, Bill Aaron said. The diagnoses of full blown AIDS was discovered November 5th 1996...

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Student fees may go up at San Diego State

Alanna Berman December 11, 2007

SAN DIEGO (U-WIRE) At $15 per semester, San Diego State University has one of the lowest Student Body Association Fees in the California State University system, and it is still far below the annual average...

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Film maker presents at City

Kaite Dunn November 27, 2007

"The melting pot analogy has now become a tossed salad. Nobody assimilates," said one Latina woman showcased in Carlos von Son's documentary film, "Border Piece." The film shown on Nov. 14 revolved around...

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Experiments conducted in Gorton Quad in honor of National Chemistry Week

Danny Penera November 27, 2007

Mathematical equations and obscure jargon, are some images that come to mind when the word "science" is uttered. Students at City College did their part to void those stereotypes while celebrating National...

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City College President supports Prop 92

Alissa Wisniewski November 27, 2007

$15 fees per unit could be on the horizon for California community college students. Come February, voters will have the power to support or oppose Proposition 92, a new K-14 funding legislation that...

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Students, managers grapple with high food prices

Cari Arthur October 8, 2007

Cari Arthur City Times Of students interviewed Oct. 3 who buy food from the cafeteria, they all agree - food prices are excessively high. Student Brandi Currin said that at this time she does not have...

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Veterans seek end to war in Iraq

Christopher Bloss October 8, 2007

Christopher Bloss City Times Last July, Kenyon Ralph and four other military personnel, including a City College student, decided to try to stop the war in Iraq. Ralph and his comrades have started...

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Art on Track

Katie Dunn October 8, 2007

Katie Dunn City Times Deep, slow melodies linger across the room as a young man wraps himself in a mature female voice coming through two speakers. Gliding across the wooden floorboards to the audience,...

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