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The news site of San Diego City College

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The news site of San Diego City College

City Times

San Diego City College Chicano/a Studies Professor America Martinez, far left, finishes reading from her laptop a proposed Academic Senate resolution she co-authored seeking to reaffirm the San Diego Community College District’s commitment to free speech and academic freedom, Monday, Feb. 12, 2024. City College students snap their fingers in response to the resolutions final points. Photo by Marco Guajardo/City Times Media

National free speech issue on college campuses reaches City College; Academic Senate resolution seeks to set the record straight

Palestine solidarity expression restricted at City and Mesa Colleges. Faculty say it infringes on free speech, academic freedom
Marco Guajardo, Editor-in-Chief February 22, 2024
Palestine solidarity expression restricted at City and Mesa Colleges. Faculty say it infringes on free speech, academic freedom
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Voters were sent their ballots and voter information guide earlier this month as March 5. Primary approaches Feb. 20, 2024. Photo by Kevin Ouellette/City Times Media

City College: What’s on your ballot? City Times links you to helpful election resources

City Times gives voters accessible information on candidates, ballot measures
Kevin Ouellette, Multimedia Journalist February 21, 2024
City Times gives voters accessible information on candidates, ballot measures
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The San Diego City College Planetarium is located in third floor of the S building. Photo credit: SDCCD Communications

STEM lovers gather at City College Planetarium for inspired sky show

San Diego City College students gathered at the campus planetarium for an hour of romantic myths and legends associated with our night sky
Irie Caraballo, Multimedia Journalist February 20, 2024
San Diego City College students gathered at the campus planetarium for an hour of romantic myths and legends associated with our night sky
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The deadline for San Diego City College’s scholarships is Feb. 25. Graphic by Susana Serrano

City College scholarship applications are due Feb. 25. Here’s what you need to know.

Over 50 scholarships are available to students this spring semester
Naylise DeGroat, Multimedia Journalist February 20, 2024
Over 50 scholarships are available to students this spring semester.
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The Centro Cultural de la Raza is adorned with meaningful cultural murals. On Friday, Nov. 17, 2023 the Centro will host a conference titled, “Binational Conference on Border Issues: The Zapatista Movement and its Relationship with Diasporas.” Photo by Keila Menjivar Zamora/City TImes Media

City College Chicano/a Studies, Centro Cultural de La Raza to honor 40th anniversary of Zapatistas

The binational conference aims to educate the community on movement, its relationship to those north of the border
Keila Menjivar Zamora, Multimedia journalist November 16, 2023
The binational conference aims to raise awareness about the current challenges Zapatista communities in Mexico and borderland communities face. It will take place on Friday, Nov. 17 and begin at 8 a.m.
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Maria Nieto Senour de la Junta Directiva, a dirige a los invitados que asistieron al evento de Red de Educadores Chicane/Latine el 15 de Septiembre, 2023. Photo by Nathaly Alvizures/City Times Media

Red de educadores se reúne en City College para festejar cultura, logros profesionales

El énfasis fue de conectar la comunidad a trabajadores Chicanes/Latines con alto rango y autoridad administrativa en el campo de la educación
Nathaly Alvizures, Contributor October 4, 2023
Se pudo ver el énfasis en dejar un legado para nuevas generaciones con raíces Latine/Chicane y en educar a estudiantes sobre la importancia de dejar afuera los estigmas que a veces acompañan a los colegios comunitarios.
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Maria Nieto Senour of the Board of Directors speaks to attendees at the Chicanx/Latinx Educators Network event on Sept. 15. Photo by Nathaly Alvizures/City Times Media

Network of educators gathers at City College to celebrate culture, professional accomplishments

The emphasis was to connect community with Chicanx/Latinx professionals in high level administrative positions in the education field
Nathaly Alvizures, Contributor October 4, 2023

Para leer versión en español, haga click aqui.  Latinx professionals who are part of a community of colleagues working in the field of education attended a networking event at San Diego City College...

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Jeremy Rho, left, Daniel Savala, center, and Lilac Kirkpatrick, right, rehearse a scene for Salvation Road debuting this week. Photo courtesy of Katie Rodda

City College’s first play of the season to open Oct. 6

The Black Box Theatre presents "Salvation Road," a production of the Dramatic Arts Program
Kevin Ouellette, Multimedia Journalist October 2, 2023
“Salvation Road” tells the story of college freshman Denise, who drops out of school to join a charismatic church, cutting contact with her family and friends.
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A player lays out while playing the Mesoamerican ballgame. In the pre-colonial game, players pass a rubber ball around the court using their hips.  Photo credit: AJUPEME USA

6 World Cultures events you don’t want to miss this October at City College

Fall semester series exhibiting traditions from a spectrum of groups includes arts, presentations
Bailey Kohnen, Multimedia Journalist September 28, 2023
The Program offers a series on campus showcasing traditions from around the world, different identity spheres and abilities. The calendar includes presentations, concerts, art demos and film screenings. 
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Nicole, a member of the student organization M.E.Ch.A., speaks to the crowd at a rally honoring the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa, Mexico, September 26, 2023. Photo by Eve McNally/City Times Media

Ayotzinapa 9 years later: M.E.Ch.A rallies to raise awareness, seek justice on disappearance of 43 Mexican students

City College students commemorate rural teachers’ college students who disappeared on their way to honor victims of historic Tlatelolco student massacre in Mexico
Keila Menjivar Zamora, Sean Monney, and Marco Guajardo September 27, 2023
Nine years after 43 prospective teachers were disappeared in Iguala, Mexico, members of M.E.Ch.A of San Diego City College rallied on campus on Sept. 26 to commemorate the events
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Gary Rodas, a former City College student, admires one of the Impala Car Club lowriders while attending the Noche de Familia event in support of his girlfriend, September 20, 2023. Photo by Keila Menjivar/City Times Media

GALLERY: City College Noche de Familia passes the vibe check, welcomes community with open arms

Office of Student Affairs, Promise Program hosted capacity event, showcasing the campus planetarium, TV studio and lowriders
Keila Menjivar Zamora, Multimedia Journalist September 22, 2023

Warm tortillas and carne asada perfumed the evening air as hanging tangerine, fuschia and lightsaber blue papel picado beckoned incoming students and their families onto the A building terrace of San Diego...

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Academic Senate President Maria Jose Zeledon-Perez speaks at Fall Convocation, August 17, 2023. Zeledon-Perez is actively recruiting faculty to serve as senators in the Academic Senate. Photo courtesy of San Diego City College Flickr

Academic Senate gives City College faculty a voice as part of shared governance model

The 33-member advisory council takes its participatory decision-making all the way to the district and Board of Trustees policies, always looking to fill senate seats
Marco Guajardo, Editor in Chief September 22, 2023
The Academic Senate, made up of City College faculty and professors, is continuously seeking to fill its 33 seats. It is part of the broader participatory shared governance model under which City College operates.
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