Early results are in
The first results were at 8:10 p.m.

Election 2020 results were shared just after 8 p.m. on Election Night. Canva image
November 3, 2020
Within 10 minutes of polls closing in San Diego, the County Registrar of Voters shared its first results.
According to sdvote.com, the first results at 8:10 p.m. included “mail ballots received and ballots cast at polls before Election Day.”
Among the highlights:
Early results show Todd Gloria is in the lead to become San Diego’s next mayor with 57.18% of the counted votes.
San Diego City Council District 9 candidate, Sean Elo-Rivera, has taken 65% of the preliminary votes in his race.
Sara Jacobs has taken an early lead in the race against Georgette Gomez for the 53rd congressional seat with 59% of the votes.
Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar has 50.54% of votes and is just ahead of Republican Darrell Issa in the District 50 race.
Results are coming in for Proposition 16 and the no vote is leading with 57.60% while yes has 42.40%. Prop. 16 would overturn Proposition 209, which banned affirmative action involving race-based or sex-based preferences in California.
Early results for Prop. 17, which aims to restore voting rights to people upon release of prison, are in, with 58% having voted yes.
To view the complete live results, visit https://www.livevoterturnout.com/SanDiego/LiveResults/en/Index_10.html.